The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation, Texas Children’s Global Health Network HOPE, and Baylor College of Medicine Global Health have announced a new initiative to combat sickle cell disease in Sub-Saharan Africa. Supported by the Africa CDC and local Ministries of Health, this program aims to improve outcomes through newborn screening, infection prevention, and access to hydroxyurea. Dr. Joseph Lubega of Texas Children’s Global emphasized the urgent need for scalable public health solutions to address SCD, citing the severe impact of the disease on children in Africa. Catharine Grimes, MBA of the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation added that empowering local health workers is key to delivering sustainable, long-term care.

At OxyDial, we are inspired by this bold step toward addressing the devastating burden of sickle cell disease. We applaud the commitment of these organizations and look forward to seeing the impact of this effort on SCD care and outcomes in the region.

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