We are happy to see Functional Fluidics expanding to Africa and setting up a new research clinic and laboratory in Nigeria.

And we are truly grateful for the significant contributions made by our friends, @Aliya U. Zaidi and @Andrew Frelitz and their efforts in making this happen. The goal to develop new tests and blood cell biomarkers seems to us very promising in predicting SCD severity. Congratulations from OxyDial for this major leap in researching blood health worldwide. We wish you continued success Aliya and Andrew!

Discover more details about FF Nigeria: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://sicklecellanemianews.com/news/functional-fluidics-expands-africa-speed-scd-therapy-development/&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1709826181060198&usg=AOvVaw22ishlbfhuuf7URRaNEetp